Globales -  -

Corporate Social Responsibility

Official website of Globales

The growing ecological sensibility and conscience of the public opinion have contributed to environmental protection becoming one of the main goals of the current society, in which activities related to tourism are acquiring a big importance, being at the same time one of the activities with a bigger development potential in the Spanish economy.

Globales is aware that a set of environmental good practices result in benefits for the company, the environment and the society in general, and guarantee a permanent attraction for the tourists’ destination.

Globales […] pursues to guarantee that the minimum possible impact is produced on the environment, favoring the compatibility of the hotel industry with our environment, which improves the quality of the touristic product and therefore our image in front of the client, and makes the hotel’s economy more efficient.

Globales -  -

The growing ecological sensibility and conscience of the public opinion have contributed to environmental protection becoming one of the main goals of the current society, in which activities related to tourism are acquiring a big importance, being at the same time one of the activities with a bigger development potential in the Spanish economy.

Globales is aware that a set of environmental good practices result in benefits for the company, the environment and the society in general, and guarantee a permanent attraction for the tourists’ destination.

Globales seeks to ensure that the least possible impact is being produced on the environment, favoring the compatibility of the hotel activity with our surroundings, which improves the quality of the tourist product and therefore our image to the customer, and makes the economic commitment of our hotel more efficient.

Our main objectives are:

  • To lessen use of natural resources and raw materials, for which solar panels have been installed on the roofs of our buildings, with the intention to install more of them in the future.
  • To minimize the production of residues, managing them efficiently, through contracts with duly legalized companies to that effect.The growing ecological sensibility and conscience of the public opinion have contributed to environmental protection becoming one of the main goals of the current society, in which activities related to tourism are acquiring a big importance, being at the same time one of the activities with a bigger development potential in the Spanish economy.
  • To avoid accidental pollution, working together with the Public Administration in charge of environmental management (we have all the corresponding environmental authorizations and permits), educating our staff on the importance of saving energy.
  • To improve environmental management and service quality, by informing our clients as well as our staff on our activities, and engaging with out neighbors in order to better not only our premises but also our community.
  • To promote the preservation of natural and cultural resources of the hotel surroundings.

Globales is aware that a set of environmental good practices result in benefits for the company, the environment and the society in general, and guarantee a permanent attraction for the tourists’ destination.

Globales seeks to ensure that the least possible impact is being produced on the environment, favoring the compatibility of the hotel activity with our surroundings, which improves the quality of the tourist product and therefore our image to the customer, and makes the economic commitment of our hotel more efficient.

Globales -  -

The initiatives adopted and carried out by Globales with the aim to make our hotels more sustainable, efficient and respectful with the environment and the local community are exposed in the present document.

With the constant growth and development of the different technological advances applicable to the hospitality sector, and thanks to the continuous updates of our systems and resources, we make a daily effort to be a more responsible and sustainable company.

1. Periodical revisions

Globales advocates for a sustainable business model, and guarantees it through its annual audits and revisions, carried out internally, by means of its Quality Department, as well as by external independent cSome of the aforementioned revisions which take place periodically in our premises are as follows:

  • Maintenance of the thermic installation in accordance with the Thermic Installation Regulation
  • Periodical inspection of polluting emissions
  • Obligatory inspection of the low tension electric installation
  • Obligatory inspection of the high tension electric installation
  • Revisions and inspections of fuel deposits
  • Revisions and inspections of gas installations
  • Inspections of lifting devices
  • Inspection of fire safety devices and alarm
  • Authorization for the dumping of residual waters and parameters within the established limits
  • Legionellosis prevention
  • Controls of the human consumption water

2. Analyzed environmental aspects

The environmental aspects which we identify and analyze in our establishments with the aim to work with the maximum efficiency and savings in the development of our activities are the following:

  • Energetic consumptions for heating and sanitary hot water, for pool conditioning, heated pools and spas (electricity, gas, gasoil…)
  • Water consumption for rooms/apartments, pools, irrigation, kitchen
  • Generation of solid urban residues
  • Generation of hazardous residues
  • Storage and manipulation of chemical products
  • Generation of emissions to the atmosphere (boilers, external noise…)
  • Generation of waste waters
  • Based on the results of the aforementioned analyzed factors, we are constantly seeking for their improvement.
  • 3. Buenas prácticas

    In Globales we develop touristic activities while trying to reduce environmental impact associated to different aspects previously mentioned through the implantation of different good practices, such as:

    • Automatized illumination, photocells, clocks, timers…
    • Faucets with flow minimizers, with presence detectors or timers, water tanks with double pulsation…
    • Pool cleaning control
    • Automatized irrigation
    • Automatized thermic installation
    • Thermic insulation systems
    • Decrease of waste production (less packaging, double-sided paper for internal use…)
    • Segregation of solid waste: light packaging, glass, paper/carton, organic waste (food)
    • Correct hazardous waste management with authorized agents: batteries, contaminated packages, sprays, paints, obsolete fluorescents, toner, electric/electronic waste…
    • Correct management of trimming waste, voluminous waste and construction waste.
    • Correct storage and handling of chemical products according to security sheets. Safe storage with walls or trays, absorbent material in case of leak.
    • Use environmental friendly products (cleaning and maintenance)
    • Use of recycled paper
    • Additionally, in Hoteles Globales we carry out a continuous follow up of environmental aspects in order to detect possible deviations and plan annual objectives and goals, whether they are educational or for purposes of planification of improvements and investments.




Globales -  -


Human rights are the basic freedoms inherent to all human beings. They are based on the principle of equality, manifested in the fact that all humans, without distinction of religion, sex, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, age, culture, or disability, have the same universal rights. They are embodied in 30 fundamental principles or articles adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Many different types of people, including tourists, suppliers, and staff, frequent Globales 'hotel establishments. Although it may be complicated to detect when one person compromises the human rights of another, it is important to understand how to manage this risk to ensure the protection of the well-being of vulnerable groups, including minors, and to ensure they are treated fairly and respectfully, without any distinction of sexuality, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, or disability.

World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism establishes that the exploitation of human beings in any form, especially sexual exploitation, particularly involving children and adolescents, violates the fundamental objectives of tourism and constitutes a denial of its essence.


A) Civil and political rights

In Globales, respect for civil and political rights is mainly reflected in its obligations towards the people it employs. The obligations relating to human resources, in view of the fact that all internationally accepted human right declarations explicitly mention working conditions and labor rights, are addressed here as well:

1.- Right to equality of opportunities and a treatment free of discrimination

All Globales policies, such as – but not limited to- those relating to recruitment, dismissal, payment, promotion and education, are free of discrimination. Globales treats all its employees with the same respect and dignity. Our company believes in the principle of equal opportunities and equative treatment, therefore it fights in order to eliminate discrimination for reasons of race, color, gender, religion, political beliefs, nationality, origins or social condition, belonging to an indigenous collective, age, incapacity or other traits which are not related to the person’s capacity to complete their job. In our sphere of influence, degrading treatment or intimidation will not be tolerated, and no disciplinary measures will be applied to our employees without a fair procedure.

2.- Right to personal security

Globales does not take place in nor benefit from crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, forced disappearance, forced or obligatory work, taking of hostages or other violations of human rights, nor other crimes against the human being as defined in international law. Our security measures comply with international human rights norms, as well as the laws and professional conduct norms of the areas in which we operate and are exclusively used for preventive or defensive purposes.

3.- Employee rights

Globales does not use forced or obligatory labor. We hire our employees and pay them a fair wage which covers or exceeds basic needs, complying the collective agreement at all times. Persons working for Globales have the option to abandon their employment within the established legal terms, and the right to receive the corresponding documents to their work relation with Globales. Our employees have the right to affiliate to a syndicate or workers association.

Globales does not use child labor and respects the children’s right to protection against economical exploitation.

The Company has a commitment with its employees to promote and develop policies which guarantee the principles of equity and equality of opportunities which allow an adequate professional development in a quality and security environment. Additionally, we are focused on favoring the hiring of local personnel in order to promote the development of societies where the company operates and the enrichment of the cultural diversity of our work teams.

4.- Respect to national sovereignty

Globales recognizes and respects the norms and proceedings corresponding to international law (which include laws and regulations referring to sanctions and seizures approved by United Nations), national laws, regulations, administrative practices, development objectives, social, economic and cultural policies and the authorities of the locations where the company operates.

5.- Intellectual property rights and the transfer of technology

Globales protects and applies intellectual property rights in a manner which contributes to the promotion of technical innovations and the diffusion of technologies, in order to benefit the producers as well as the users of the technological knowledge and for the fostering of social and economic wellbeing.

Other directions of company civism of Globales regulate our conduct in relation to bribe, consumer protection and environmental protection.

B) Economic, social and cultural human rights

Due to its commercial nature, Globales cannot apply all economic, social and cultural rights on its own. However, within the limits of our resources and possibilities, we do contribute in many ways through our activities to improve life conditions and other economic, social and cultural rights. Globales contributes to the economic wellbeing and the common good when assuming certain responsibilities with different obligation levels:

  • Globales’ economic activities are carried out in conformity with applicable labor, environmental, tax and other laws and regulations (essential non-negotiable norms);
  • The commercial activities are carried out following norms and developing activities of corporate social responsibility.

    In Globales we are very aware of our influence regarding compliance of Human Rights, therefore, and in relation to our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, we establish the following principles. Our employees:

    • will receive an adequate wage, in compliance with the Hospitality Collective Agreement;
    • will work for a fixed number of hours in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
    • will be local whenever possible;
    • will be free to join a syndicate or similar organization in order to protect and represent workers rights.

    On its turn, the Management:

      li>promotes the provision of extraordinary profits to its employees such as meals and accommodation depending on the case;
    • fosters development of its employees on their jobs, improving their capacities with education opportunities and professional development.
    • tries to be informed of the local community matters which can affect their lives and ensures that their points of view are considered for the decision making of the company.
    • Actively manages the protection of children and teenagers from sexual abuse or exploitation in tourism.
    • Is committed to educate its staff and engage them in the strong>company’s practices and policies for the protection of minors against sexual exploitation; and for the adequate management of situations of this nature, fostering prevention;
    • appreciates its staff and treats them fairly and respectfully, ensuring that no discrimination against anyone is allowed, no matter their age, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion, culture or incapacity;
    • complies with all applicable labor laws and regulations;
    • training staff on the Company's sustainability and development commitments.
Globales -  -

Globales is committed to the constant improvement of its services, the compliance with legal requirements and reaching the maximum quality level demanded by our clients, always trying to contribute with the communities in which we operate, with the aim of helping to achieve a good development of sustainable tourism.

We foster the destination amongst our clients, pointing out interesting attractions, restaurants, markets or crafts centers, and we encourage them to explore the history, culture and traditions of the area.

The Management expresses its commitment to maintain a close relationship with our local community and does so through:

  • Integration: respecting, supporting and promoting the culture, norms and conservation of the local environment.
  • Collaboration: maintaining a permanent dialogue with the local community and social agents in order to get to know their needs and contribute to their progress through responsible behaviors and initiatives which improve the lives of locals, protecting the environment and preserving the culture and traditions of a destination.
  • Purchases: prioritizing the acquisition of local products in order to strengthen the economic and social development of the community, guaranteeing the quality and price standards and the sanitary and safety criteria. We actively choose to purchase goods and services from local suppliers.
  • Social investment: establishing a collaboration strategy with social entities following these lines of action:
    • Support to local communities
    • Children health and wellbeing programs
    • Donation of rooms and services
Globales -  -

The growing ecological sensibility and conscience of the public opinion have contributed to environmental protection becoming one of the main goals of the current society, in which activities related to tourism are acquiring a big importance, being at the same time one of the activities with a bigger development potential in the Spanish economy.

Globales is aware that a set of environmental good practices result in benefits for the company, the environment and the society in general, and guarantee a permanent attraction for the tourists’ destination.

Globales […] pursues to guarantee that the minimum possible impact is produced on the environment, favoring the compatibility of the hotel industry with our environment, which improves the quality of the touristic product and therefore our image in front of the client, and makes the hotel’s economy more efficient.

Our main objectives are:

  • To lessen use of natural resources and raw materials, for which solar panels have been installed on the roofs of our buildings, with the intention to install more of them in the future.
  • To minimize the production of residues, managing them efficiently, through contracts with duly legalized companies to that effect.
  • To avoid accidental pollution, working together with the Public Administration in charge of environmental management (we have all the corresponding environmental authorizations and permits), educating our staff on the importance of saving energy.
  • To improve environmental management and service quality, by informing our clients as well as our staff on our activities, and engaging with out neighbors in order to better not only our premises but also our community.
  • To promote the preservation of natural and cultural resources of the hotel surroundings.
Globales -  -


The present policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”) has the aim to establish a set of conduct rules for the orientation of the employees and collaborators of Hoteles Globales (hereinafter, the “Company”) in case of observing any signs of activities or conducts which result or are potential of resulting harmful, physically or emotionally to all those minors within the hotel premises or its surroundings, such as clients or minors residing in the neighboring areas of the hotel.

1.1 TYPES OF HARMFUL CONDUCTS (Travelife Factsheet 16: Safeguarding children)

  • Physical abuse: hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or any other action that causes physical harm to a child.
  • Emotional abuse: continued mistreatment of a child that impacts on their development, including telling them they are worthless, causing them to feel frightened or stopping them from participating in normal social activities.
  • Sexual abuse: forcing a child to take part in sexual activities such as pornography or prostitution, whether or not they are aware of what is happening.
  • Neglect: persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical or psychological needs which is likely to impact on their development. Neglect ranges from a child being locked alone in a room for periods of time or being left without proper supervision, to restricting access to medical treatment, not responding to their emotional needs or ensuring their education needs are met.

1.2. Sexual abuse: Commercial sexual exploitation of minors in the touristic industry

In view of the extended and worrying reality of sexual exploitation of children in the touristic industry all around the world, many initiatives of child protection have been implanted since the beginning of the 90s in order to fight this kind of situations.

In 1990, social workers and other professionals of many countries in the Asian southeast, one of the most affected places by this kind of exploitations, initiated a non-profit campaign under the name ECPAT (End to Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking).

The first International Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children was held under the initiative of ECPAT International in August 1996. Its content and Agenda for Action were based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ("UNCRC").

Based on the aforementioned actions, an international awareness has been created among companies in the tourism sector, focused on their corporate social responsibility, thanks to which protocols and policies are implemented more and more frequently to combat injustices such as sexual exploitation of minors.


The Policy will be applicable in the following areas:
  • Objective scope: includes all the tourist exploitation activities carried out by the Company. This area includes all the activities carried out by the different departments that make up any of the hotel establishments owned by the Company, as well as all the administrative functions that are carried out in their offices.
  • Subjective scope: the Policy links all employees and collaborators of the Company in all its establishments and offices, as well as to suppliers and external companies with which the same is related, and the clients that receive the services offered by the Company in the exercise of their activity.


In view of the potentially existing risk of situations or behaviors that result or may be harmful to minors, the Company undertakes to carry out the following actions in order to prevent conflicts of this nature:

  • train the staff of their establishments in the countries of origin and in the destinations in which they operate;
  • introduce a clause in the contracts with their suppliers in which they declare their common rejection of mistreatment of any kind towards minors;
  • inform tourists through catalogs, triptychs, posters, informative videos, tickets, web pages or in the way deemed appropriate;
  • provide information to the "key" local agents at each destination;
  • Report regularly on the implementation of these measures.

Likewise, the following ways to combat exploitation of any kind towards minors are recommended:

  • cooperation between countries and between different sectors of society;
  • mobilization of the tourism industry and the business world in order that their infrastructures are not used for purposes that result or could be harmful to minors;
  • actions to ensure the implementation and development of laws, plans and programs against this type of behavior or activities;
  • interaction and collaboration with the Police and local authorities;
  • rehabilitation of minors who have been victims of any type of abuse;
  • preventive measures in the form of education and information.


In line with the commitments outlined above, the level of responsibility of the tourism sector has been defined in the following terms:

  • The direct responsibility corresponds to those agents who consciously disseminate, organize and receive sex tourism trips (even if there is a small evidence that they are involved), as well as to business operators or establishments where travelers can contact or exploit to minors, specifically, accommodation, centers and leisure areas etc. The tolerance of this type of activities implies complicity with the operators and with the travel organizers.
  • An indirect responsibility corresponds to the tour operators, travel agencies, carriers, especially airlines, if they are aware that they are being used as vehicles to drive the perpetrators or potential causes of this type of behavior and abuse towards minors.
  • Therefore, the Company, as a potential operator with indirect responsibility, adopts this Policy in order to prevent criminal proceedings of any kind in relation to minors.


    The persons and entities to whom this Policy is applicable shall, in the case of any action or conduct they observe and consider likely to be or be linked to the exploitation or abuse of minors of any kind, shall inform their responsible superior immediately or to the Directorate of the Quality Department, who will supervise and remain alert in order to detect any suspicious behavior.

    As soon as the Company becomes aware of any potentially criminal activity that is contrary to the personal and emotional integrity of minors, it will launch, together with the competent authorities, to whom it will inform as soon as possible, the pertinent corrective measures to put an end to the conduct and punish it adequately.

    In order to facilitate the communication of activities contrary to the Company's Policies and the applicable laws and regulations, an anonymous whistleblowing channel will be made available to its staff and external collaborators, which can be accessed through of the corporate website. By means of it, the problematic behaviors can be reported more quickly and easily and put an end to them more effectively.

    Emergency telephone number – Guardia Civil: 062


    • 1. Observation
    • 2. Communication
    • 3. Denunciation
    • 4. Solution
    • 5. Feedback
Globales -  -

Travelife is an international sustainability certification that recognises those hotels which comply with Travelife's environmental and social management policies.

To achieve the Travelife GOLD certification, one of the most prestigious sustainability awards, hotels have to prove that they are compliant with more than 160 Travelife requirements, such as the development and execution of programs in order to increase energetic and water savings, recycling measures, programs to adequately treat and eliminate chemicals or dangerous waste, the implementation of plans to preserve surrounding natural areas, programs to protect human rights and welfare of workers, or collaboration with organizations by means of taking part in social activities.

Some of the activities that Globales is currently developing in accordance to the aforementioned measures are: the installation of recycling points in all the hotels, implementation of programs to quit or reduce the use of disposable plastics, offering more sustainable alternatives, organization of activities to improve local environmental conditions such as beach cleanup days, cooperation with the Red Cross and other organizations caring for people at risk of social exclusion, animal welfare organizations, and awareness and training programs for employees.

Globales -  -

This whistleblower channel is designed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of Law 2/2023. The main objectives of said law are to protect individuals who report certain facts or conducts that may involve violations or criminal offenses and to implement a means of communicating such possible violations to the company (for them to be promptly addressed).

Additionally, the Globales whistleblower channel is also implemented to function as a means of communicating alleged actions contrary to the group's internal regulations.

We remind you of the following key points of the policy governing the Globales whistleblower channel:

  • Confidentiality: The confidentiality of the identity of the persons using the channel and the content of their communications is guaranteed.
  • Good faith: Communications must be made in an honest manner and based on reasonable indications of possible legal risks or ethical breaches.
  • Objectivity and impartiality: All communications will be treated in the same way, regardless of who makes them or who they are about.
  • In addition, the policy states that all members of the company, as well as customers, business partners and suppliers, have the right and obligation to report possible irregularities through the whistleblowing channel.

This form should only and exclusively be used to report possible infringements of the regulations in force or other internal company policies. If you wish to make any other type of communication to the company, please use the appropriate channel.


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